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Portfolio workbench

Rebalance portfolios
with ease.

Portfolio Workbench makes constructing and rebalancing portfolios easy. Now you can manage performance and risk against a benchmark all from a single screen on desktop and mobile.
Save time

Effortless in-grid editing

No more jumping between systems or relaying verbal instructions. With Portfolio Workbench, you can easily rebalance multiple portfolios across different strategies and investment vehicles all in one place, reducing the time and effort it takes to manage your portfolios.

  • Turn static reports into dynamic portfolios
  • Make in-grid portfolio edits in real time
  • Review proposed orders and allocations
Reduce errors

Complex adjustments simplified

Make complex adjustments with the push of a button. Intuitive in-grid editing gives you confidence and accuracy. Adjust weights and exposures for various portfolio dimensions, rebalance positions across multiple funds, and view and modify proposed orders directly to ensure accurate order generation.

  • Adjust weights across multiple funds pro-rata
  • Model subscriptions and redemptions
  • Use intuitive, parameterized controls
Gain flexibility

Powerful workflow integration

Portfolio Workbench lets you handle multiple models simultaneously, with the flexibility to use different cash weights across models. You can also integrate third party optimizers via our API, pushing data directly into Enfusion and eliminating the need for manual input.

  • Work with benchmarks and weighting
  • Seamlessly integrate with third-party optimizers
  • Achieve straight-through processing without manual intervention
Ensure compliance

Seamless compliance tests

Stay on top of compliance with Portfolio Workbench's integrated compliance checks. Test for pre-trade compliance before sending orders to traders and quickly resolve violations by re- distributing or downsizing orders, all from a single screen.

  • View proposed orders and allocations directly within interface
  • Test pre-trade compliance without first submitting orders
  • Quickly modify orders to resolve violations
Built for you

Designed for every asset type and strategy

Whether you're managing traditional assets, alternative investments, or a combination of both, Portfolio Workbench taps into Enfusion's multi-asset strengths and open architecture to support you wherever and however you work. It lets you work efficiently with multiple vehicles and accounts so that you can focus on the most important thing – your portfolio performance.
Access anywhere

Take your portfolio to go

Web-based and mobile apps enable access from any device. Make portfolio adjustments a snap whether you're in the office, at home, or on the road.

The Enfusion advantage

Greater than the sum of its parts

As part of Enfusion’s all-in-one platform, Portfolio Workbench enables you to go seamlessly from portfolio construction to order management and execution and back. And with weekly updates and upcoming new features, the platform grows in lockstep with your business.
Efficient workflows
Accomplish tasks in fewer steps without jumping between screens or systems.
Client-driven innovation
Developed with input from dozens of clients to solve for a wide variety of needs.
One golden dataset
Full integration with Enfusion platform enables cross-team workflows based on a single source of truth.

A leap forward

Portfolio Workbench marks another major milestone in Enfusion's journey, enhancing support for traditional equity and fixed income strategies. Simplify your portfolio management, work on the go, ensure compliance with ease, and execute orders seamlessly with Portfolio Workbench.